What should I expect from my personal injury lawyer? – Mitchell & Danoff Personal Injury Law Firm

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00:00:03 so there are two areas where we calculate the value of a personal injury case from the first is economic damages which are basically the stuff that we could put a number on including medical bills anything from ER visits Physical Therapy chiropractic treatment surgeries and any future medical treatment that you were expected to have as a result of the injuries second area of economic damages is lost wages so if you missed any work or couldn’t earn income during this time from the injuries that’s also

00:00:38 included the second part are non-economic damages which is a bit more complicated this is pain and suffering this covers how your injuries have affected your life basically the pain that you’ve had to endure the emotional distress and you know missing out on the things that you love to do that you couldn’t because of the injuries these are calculated in a number in a number of ways uh some insurance companies assign a dollar amount to the injuries based on the severity and then how long you’ve been dealing with them

00:01:16 some might look at the economic damages and multiply them by a number according to the severity at the end of the day my job is to build the strongest case for you and try to explain the full impact of what you’ve been through to the insurance company as best as possible and make them understand the severity of what happened to you every case is different there’s really no one siiz fits-all formula and you know it’s really up to the attorney to get you what you deserve as far as compensation goes
