Staying Safe This Labor Day Weekend

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Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer, and as the holiday weekend approaches, many are getting ready to go out with a bang. Whatever your plans are this weekend, our attorneys at Mitchell & Danoff Law Firm would like to encourage you to make a safety a priority. That’s because this holiday is one of the most dangerous times of year.

Statistically, Labor Day weekend – often a three day weekend for many people – sees an increase in preventable accidents, injuries, and deaths. Many of these tragedies occur on our roadways, and they commonly involve drunk drivers.

To help you stay safe from some of the common dangers this weekend, we’ve noted a few favorite past-times people like to enjoy during Labor Day and some safety tips.

  • On the Roadways – Labor Day weekend sees an increase in traffic, as many people are hitting the road for vacations. With an increase in traffic comes an increased need for staying vigilant. Make sure your attention is always on the road – not your phone – and that you follow at an appropriate distance and obey the rules of the road. If you drink, do so responsibly or plan for a ride – drunk driving accidents substantially spike during the holiday weekend.
  • On the water – Hitting the lake, the beach, or even the pool is a common event during Labor Day weekend. If you’re enjoying the water, make sure you and your loved ones know how to swim and react in the case of emergencies. Always watch children and your drinking – especially if you’re behind the wheel of a boat or watercraft.
  • Behind the BBQ – What’s a holiday weekend without grilling? Make sure you grill safely this weekend by keeping children away from barbeques and using grills outside in areas away from structures or flammable materials. Use the correct tools and be careful when using lighter fluid.

No matter what your plans may be, you should always make safety a priority. Although vigilance can help protect yourself and your loved ones, it doesn’t always eliminate the risk of injury – especially when said injuries are caused by the negligence of others.

If you or someone you love suffers injury as a result of the negligence or carelessness of another, you may have the right to recover financial compensation for your damages. Learn more about your rights and your particular case by contacting Mitchell & Danoff Law Firm for a FREE consultation.
